Cannabis in the World of Social Media

cannabis social media


There is an interesting and fine line between cannabis and social media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. all have content guidelines, outlining the rules behind what you can and can’t post. Many of these guidelines include restrictions on cannabis content. It is categorized as an illegal drug, due to its current Schedule I Drug status in the United States.


These guidelines, when enforced, can get your account restricted to limited activities, shut down, or completely banned. This could be for something as simple as posting a picture of cannabis, to an educational post about cannabis science. The fine line between cannabis and social media seems to be a random one, that can shift at any moment. Some accounts can go without incident for years and then be shut down out of nowhere.

Although, it does appear that educational focused cannabis content faces far less scrutiny from over the guidelines. Either way, all cannabis businesses face certain roadblocks when it comes to engaging on social media.


It may seem like a lot of negatives, but social media has also presented many positive outcomes for cannabis. With the ability to spread ideas and information around the entire world, social media has revealed the truth about the medicinal benefits of cannabis. Medical cannabis patients from all over are able to connect directly with each other, sharing their personal experiences about using cannabis as medicine. The sheer number of people claiming cannabis helps treat their medical condition is absolutely staggering. It’s enough to warrant the need for more research into the medicinal benefits of cannabis. It has also made social media groups, like Facebook Groups, a convenient way for patients to find support and educational resources.

 That brings us to another perk, which is the educational aspect. Experts in cannabis science and research are able to instantly connect with a global audience about the newest advances. They do this by hosting virtual events, streaming live presentations, and posting the type of educational content we talked about earlier. This makes certain social media accounts and social media groups, excellent resources for learning more about cannabis. As we all know, you can’t believe everything you see on the internet, and this includes social media. Vet your sources for credibility before deciding if the information is fact or fiction.

Even though there are restrictions on cannabis content, there are still an incredible number of businesses, organizations, patients, advocates, and other individuals with successful social media accounts, Terrabis included. We have to be careful in our approach to providing the top quality cannabis education we share through our different social media accounts, but it’s something we’re proud to share.

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